Ornamental Horticulture Roundtable Group
Leading industry bodies that champion the value and benefits of the UK’s ornamental horticulture sector to safeguard the its future for the benefit of everyone.

Horticulture is the science, art, technology, and business of cultivating ornamental plants, fruit, and vegetables for human use. The industry horticulture is split into ornamental (also refered to as amenity horticulture) and production sectors.
Production horticulture covers everything from the production of ornamental plants and cut flowers through to soft fruit, salad crops and the production of field vegetables such as carrots and broccoi. This sector of horticulture, despite facing challenges is quite well represented to and supported by governement.
The Ornamental Horticulture Roundtable is a sector led group formed in 2014 with support from Defra to strengthen co-operation between UK government and the ornamental horticulture, landscape and gardening industry. In light of its economic, environmental and social importance, the sector contends that it isn’t being taken seriously by Government for the immense benefits it delivers.
Value and benefits of UK Ornamental Horticulture
Ornamental horticulture supports 568,700 jobs.
Generates a £24.2 billion GDP footprint and £5.4 billion in revenue for HM Government in 2017. This is greater than the contributions of the aerospace manufacturing industry in the same year.
Supports an estimated 879 million visits to parks by the UK population per year and the 1 in 3 tourists to the UK who visit parks or gardens with an estimated value of £1.4 billion.
Underpins the public & private greenspaces and gardens which play a vital role in mitigating the health effects of air pollution, absorbing noise pollution, reducing flooding risks and offsetting the effects of the urban island heat effect.
The presence and proximity of parks, gardens and green spaces adds an estimated £131 billion to the value of the UK’s housing stock. Despite this homes being built without private gardens are on the rise. In 2020 one million more homes won’t have a private garden compared to 1995.
Half of all UK adults undertake gardening activities every week – 49.5% of the population
Greenspaces, gardens, and gardening also increase physical activity, reduce depression, anxiety, and stress.
60% of studied UK animals and plant species have declined in the last 50 years.
Private gardens and greenspaces, account for up to 27% of urban areas and these create considerable wildlife habitat; containing an estimated 28.7 million trees, 4.7 million nest boxes and up to 3.5 million ponds.
Action Plan 2015-2020
The first cross-sector action plan, designed to increase growth and competitiveness for the ornamental horticulture industry, was launched at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in May 2015. It addresses 12 priority areas where government help could encourage the long-term growth of the sector.
Read the Ornamental Horticulture Roundtable Action Plan 2015–2020 (PDF, 2MB)
Read the Action Plan update 2016 (PDF, 2MB)
The Economic Impact of Ornamental Horticulture and Landscaping in the UK
In 2018 a new report commissioned by the Ornamental Horticulture Roundtable Group revealed the significant value of the UK’s ornamental horticulture and landscape industries. In light of its economic importance, the industry contends that it isn’t being taken seriously by Government for the immense benefits it delivers.
Read ‘The economic impact of ornamental horticulture and landscaping in the UK’ (PDF 1MB)
Members of the Ornamental Horticulture Roundtable Group
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), Arboricultural Association,
British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI),
Chartered Institute of Horticulture, Horticulture Innovation Partnership, Horticultural Trades Association, Landex,
National Farmers’ Union (NFU) and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).