July eHort Message from the President

July eHort Message from the President

I am delighted to report that most garden centres up and down the country have had a thoroughly good month of June and that gardeners around the UK & Ireland are stocked up and fully in love with their garden again! The consumer giants of horticulture namely...

June eHort Message from the President

June eHort Message from the President

I am pleased to report that all five countries in membership have now returned to ‘Gardening’ through the opening of our Garden Centres & Nurseries in the UK and Ireland. If a similar situation raises its ugly head again, then hopefully GC’s & Nurseries will...

May eHort Message from the President

May eHort Message from the President

In early April I wrote to the Secretary of State for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs to express members concerns at the level of plant wastage up and down the country at young plant nurseries. I also wrote to the Lord President of The Privy Council; Jacob...

May Subscription Renewals

May Subscription Renewals

Deferment & Holiday Options We fully understand at this trying time that another invoice for subscriptions might be unwelcome. So to this effect we have pushed out our direct instructions to the 1st of May 2020. Should you require a deferment of subscription then...

April eHort Message from the President

April eHort Message from the President

Further to my note to members last week I wanted to devote this edition of the April e-Hort to the current pandemic affecting the world and to explore all of the current support systems for Horticulturists working in the UK & Ireland. Never before has horticulture...

Coronavirus Advice Contacts

Coronavirus Advice Contacts

The Chartered Institute of Horticulture recommends members to regularly review advice issued by the Government relating to Covid-19. Government & HMRC The Government continues to provide updated advice and guidance through their website:...

Message from the CIH President

Message from the CIH President

From The President Dear Member, The full implications of Covid-19 are beginning to be felt across the entire horticulture industry now that government action is taking effect and consumer behaviour is altered. The lack of Labour to service production horticulture and...

YHoY Regional Final Results – Ireland

YHoY Regional Final Results – Ireland

The Chartered Institute of Horticulture annual Young Horticulturist of the Year (YHoY) 2020 competition completed its local heats earlier this year in all the horticultural colleges covered by the Ireland branch (North and South). Over 200 young horticulturists, under...

COVID-19 Event Cancellations

COVID-19 Event Cancellations

In light of the current situation concerning Coronavirus the following events have been cancelled: South West Branch YHoY Regional Final South East Branch YHoY Regional Final West Midlands & South Wales Branch YHoY Regional Final Eastern Branch YHoY Regional Final The...

James Bruce Memorial Lecture – AGM 2020

James Bruce was a Fellow of the Institute of Horticulture, having previously been a member of the Horticultural Education Association since 1934, the forerunner of the Institute of Horticulture and Chartered Institute of Horticulture. James Bruce was the Head of the...

YHOY Regional Final results – Northern Branch

YHOY Regional Final results – Northern Branch

Harry Johnson-Firth, third from the left, seen here with his fellow competitors and Gerald Bonner CHort, FCIHort, President of the CIoH, has won the CIoH Northern Regional Final. We now look forward to watching him take on the other seven competitors from across the...

Young Horticulturist of the Year 2020

Young Horticulturist of the Year 2020

We are delighted to be able to announce that the YHOY 2020 competition is now underway and we can confirm that the Grand Final will be at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh’s Logan Botanic Garden, near Stranraer in Dumfries and Galloway on May 2nd 2020 – visit...

Help shape the future of our industry apprenticeships

Help shape the future of our industry apprenticeships

The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, in conjunction with the Industry’s Trailblazer Group has launched a major review of apprenticeships for Agriculture, Environment and Animal Care in England.  The review will recommend changes to our existing apprenticeships and set the priorities for apprenticeships in our industries going forwards. Employers, training providers, apprentices and industry […]

DESTINATION USA! A fully funded year in the USA for British student horticulturists.

DESTINATION USA! A fully funded year in the USA for British student horticulturists.

The Royal Horticultural Society, in collaboration with the Garden Club of America & Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania, is offering the exciting opportunity of: ·         a 12 month practical internship in ornamental horticulture at the world-renowned Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania or ·         the first year of a post-graduate course at an American University of your choice in […]

Two year horticultural traineeship available.

Two year horticultural traineeship available.

A two year horticultural traineeship is available with Perennial – Gardeners’ Royal Benevolent Society​ at their fabulous arts and crafts garden – York Gate Garden​ in Leeds. If you can say yes to the following questions then apply! Are you over 18 years old? Can you demonstrate a commitment and passion for a career in […]

Dispose of unwanted plants responsibly and wash your boots

Dispose of unwanted plants responsibly and wash your boots

Dispose of unwanted plants responsibly and wash your boots are the key messages of this week’s Invasive Species Week (13-17 May). Invasive plant and animal species are one of the biggest causes of global nature loss and species extinctions. They are estimated to cost UK horticulture £1bn a year and further £1bn to the wider […]

Richard Moore is the Young Horticulturalist of the Year 2019

Richard Moore is the Young Horticulturalist of the Year 2019

It began in January with thousands of entrants from across the UK and Ireland each competing for the title Young Horticulturalist of the Year and the £2500 Percy Thrower Travel bursary. After heats and regional finals, the final eight met at Kew to decide the overall winner. Several nail biting and close rounds ensured and […]