October eHort Message from the President

Inclusion and better working together seem to have been the themes which have kept popping up in September. In many sections of the industry the debate on how to attract, recruit, train and develop staff and skills is a really pressing issue and being an industry that...

Northern Branch Commendation awarded to Sarah Owen-Hughes MCIHort

The CIH Northern Branch Commendation for 2023 has been awarded to Sarah Owen-Hughes MCIHort, Head Gardener at Rudding Park Hotel and Spa in Harrogate. The Commendation was presented in recognition of Sarah’s passionate commitment to promoting horticulture and...

September eHort Message from the President

Back to school and the end of the summer holidays for some but the main growing season in the summer has meant no let-up for many horticulturists. Those of us in the amenity world have battled with continual lawn maintenance, the August break from grass cutting hasn’t...