Welcome to the Social and Therapeutic Horticulture (STH) page, maintained by the CIH’s Special Interest Group on Social and Therapeutic Horticulture.
Here we will share information on:
- Some of the latest research in the sector
- STH projects and groups open to collaboration and sharing good practice in the UK and Ireland
- STH Networking Meetings
The STH Special Interest Group aims to:
- Develop a network of STH practitioners to support and share excellent practice
- Organise regular online networking meetings
- Share research news on the subject
- Share information about and provide opportunities to visit STH projects throughout the UK and Ireland
- Give a voice and support to STH in the UK and Ireland
- Forge links with other organisations in the STH sector
You can contact the STH Group via cihsth@horticulture.org.uk.
Recent STH Research
STH practice and theory is evidenced by a global research effort, across many disciplines. The Chartered Institute of Horticulture collates the most relevant high-quality research on STH, by sector, on a quarterly basis here for everyone – newcomers, students and seasoned practitioners alike. Please let us know if you would like to share any relevant research by emailing cihsth@horticulture.org.uk the article link and a short description of its value to STH practice.
The most recent publications are listed by sector here:
- Children & Young Adults
- Cognitive Health
- Connecting to Nature
- Dementia
- Green Social Prescribing
- Mental Health
- Older Adults
- Physical Health
- Qualitative
- Rehabilitation
- Therapeutic Design
- Veterans
STH Projects
STH Network members have started to compile a list of projects which are open to professional collaboration, visits and sharing good practice with colleagues. They are grouped under the relevant CIH Branch areas. Please contact them directly if you would like to establish links.
If you would like to add your own STH project to this list please complete the submission form.
Projects can be viewed in the Members Area of the website.