Bursaries and grants
Information on grants and bursaries available from organisations for horticultural projects, exchanges and travel.
The “Grants for Horticulturists” original website was created and established by Dr Henry Oakeley and Graham Smith. Henry and Graham kindly agreed to the creation of this database of information hosted by the Chartered Institute of Horticulture (CIH) to provide information and links to organisations that provide grant aid to individual horticulturists. Refreshed and updated by William Kenny and Helen Sessions in 2023. If you are aware of any additional organisations, trusts or funds that are available to support horticulturists and that are not on this list please email cih@horticulture.org.uk.
Click through the options below for information on grants and bursaries available from organisations for horticultural projects, exchanges and travel. The information here is offered free of charge and may be copied for private use, but please note that all resources listed are copyright reserved.
All questions relating to grant-making organisations and their web sites, and to their grants, bursaries and other supports, should always be directed to the individual organisation concerned.
For advice regarding the possible inclusion of new information and corrections on this site, either for listing as a grant-making organisation or for addition to the list of links to other sites of interest, please contact the Chartered Institute of Horticulture at cih@horticulture.org.uk.
Organisations with horticultural interests are very welcome to include a link to this page on their own web sites.
View the recording from the Spotlight on Bursaries webinar here.
The AgriFood Charities Partnership
Visit the website.
Alpine Garden Society
Each year the Society gives a limited number of Travel Awards to enthusiasts wishing to gain field experience in the serious study of alpine plants in native habitats. Applications should be for clearly defined projects, though Awards have been made to those wishing to participate in an AGS Tour if it complements a particular area of interest.
The Alpine Garden Society also offers the Hendry Fund Grant. Following her death in 1993, Ms Evelyn F. Hendry left a significant part of her estate to the East Surrey Group of the Society. This is used to fund grants for specific alpine-related projects, which can involve research on any aspect of alpine plants in the wild or in cultivation.
Email ags@alpinegardensociety.net or visit the website.
American Society for Horticultural Science
Visit the website.
ASA Travel Placement Grant (UCD Ireland Students)
The Professional Work Experience (PWE) module provides undergraduate Bachelor of Agricultural Science students at UCD with a unique opportunity to develop their skills and commercial experience during stage three of their degree programme.
The Agricultural Science Association (ASA) has teamed up with the Irish Farmers Journal to provide four €1,000 scholarships to stage three B.Agr.Sc. students to support travel and other costs associated with their placement. The four successful candidates will be awarded 70% of their scholarship prior to commencing their placement and 30% following completion of their placement and review.
Recipients of the ASA/Irish Farmers Journal PWE Scholarships will be required to submit a series of blogs for farmersjournal.ie whilst on their placement. Recipients will also be required to submit a 500 word summary of their experience to the ASA at the end of their PWE placement. This may be used in future promotional material by the ASA. Applications must be submitted by November.
UCD PWE Bursary – Agriculture Science Association (asaireland.ie)
Bentham-Moxon Trust
Contact Jennifer at j.alsop@kew.org or visit the website.
British Association of Landscape Industries
The BALI Chalk Fund run a Student of the Year Award for BALI Registered colleges to participate, and nominate a student to receive the award. Winners will receive a cheque of £100 and a certificate. The BALI Chalk Fund have also launched a UK BALI Chalk Fund Student of the Year. Each student that is nominated will be considered for the UK Student of the Year award. The winning student and their college will receive a cheque for £500 and 2 tickets to the BALI National Landscape Awards Ceremony, held in December.
Email info@balichalkfund.org.uk or visit the website.
British Cactus and Succulent Society
British Cactus and Succulent Society have a limited amount of funds available to students involved in research and conservation of succulent plants and also a travel award for a person wishing to undertake a study of succulent plants in another country.
For more information please visit the website
Chartered Institute of Horticulture
At CIH we are able to offer a number of grants and prizes for horticulturists at different stages of their career. These include the:
- The Norah Stucken award: a £500 prize for a project which has made a significant impact within the industry.
- The Aberconway award: £500 prize for the best horticultural dissertation submitted by a student or non-student under the age of 30.
- Young Horticulturist of the Year: the winner of this annual competition is awarded a £2500 travel bursary to help them further their career.
- The Pam Pointer award: awarded to four students of Horticulture a year in recognition of outstanding achievement in academic and practical pursuits, sponsored attendance at the CIH conference and 1-year free associate membership.
Contact the Secretariat at cih@horticulture.org.uk or visit award page of our website here, the Young Horticulturist page here.
Colegrave Seabrook Foundation
Colegrave Seabrook Foundation
Full information on the Colegrave Seabrook Foundation the scholarships and support for students can be found at: www.colegraveseabrookfoundation.org.uk
Currently our scholarships include:
The Student Scholarship awards £1,500 to each of up to 5 students to support their studies in horticulture. Preference is given to candidates who have an interest in ornamental commercial horticulture, especially with an emphasis on the bedding, container, pot plant and cut flower sectors.
Blue Diamond Scholarships are offered annually by this premier group of 44 garden centres who also have their own extensive nurseries and a unique collaboration with the National Trust and a Partner Garden with the RHS. Bursaries of up to £2,500 are available to students’ studying horticulture at a college on a wide range of courses. Applications for support towards the cost of student life including course fees, equipment and materials associated with your studies, travel are all welcome for these flexible scholarships.
The British Protected Ornamentals Association – Peter Seabrook Bursary offers £1,000 to support one or more students studying commercial horticulture. The scholarship is also available to schools and horticultural colleges to finance trips for students over 16 years of age to leading commercial horticultural establishments.
The Ball Colegrave Sponsored Travel Scholarship awards up to £1,500 to fund travel to Europe in order to develop knowledge and experience in bedding plant production and marketing. An employee in the early stages of their career at a commercial bedding plant nursery, or a student studying horticulture with an interest in commercial bedding plants should apply.
The John Gibson Environmental Scholarship will award £1,500 to a student with a keen interest in environmental solutions and sustainable applications as applied to commercial horticulture. John Gibson worked at Colegrave Seeds with the late David Colegrave and was at the forefront of the development of the market for hybrid seeds and seedlings. This scholarship recognises John’s keen interest in environmental solutions that can advance commercial horticulture in a sustainable manner.
The Horticultural Research Scholarship will award up to £4,000 to support applied research within the horticulture industry. Students with proven merit who are perhaps undertaking a research project as part of their education that would benefit from some early funding support to extend their project can apply. This includes undergraduates, postgraduates and those studying for doctoral degrees.
This scholarship is currently offered via the Royal Society of Biology as part of their Plant Health Undergraduate Studentships. We co fund this scholarship with The Crispa (Richard Cahn) Charitable Trust. Richard Cahn was a well known and highly respected figure in the horticultural business world and perhaps best remembered for creating Roundstone Nurseries and Garden Centre in West Sussex.
The Majestic Trees Sponsored Travel Scholarship is offering up to £3,000 to fund a placement abroad at a tree nursery. This also includes the opportunity for a work placement at Majestic Trees, which could become a permanent position. The owners of Majestic Trees, Steve and Janet McCurdy, first met in California whilst Steve was working as an exchange student. Steve’s work experience opportunity greatly influenced the way they run Majestic Trees and it is for this reason that Majestic Trees provide this scholarship for a student passionate about tree production.
Hort Tech Award supported by Worshipful Company of Gardeners is offering up to £5,000 to students, academics and individuals who are developing horticulture technologies.
As technology becomes increasingly important in horticulture, a number of colleges and universities have specialist technical schools, working on projects as well as educating students. Projects looking to reduce human labour inputs or improve growing conditions and product ‘shelf-life’ are all vital to the future commercial ornamental.
Brian Crosby Scholarship funds up to £1,000 to a student from, or studying in, the north west of England, Brian’s home area. As with al of the CSF scholarships, this award is not means tested, and can be used to support course or exam fees, equipment and materials associated with your studies, travel or the other ‘costs’ of student life.
Scholarship Season opens for applications in September each year with the deadline for entries being the 31st January following. Awards are made usually towards the end of March or early April. To enter applicants simply need to complete an application form which they can do online at:
When you have further questions, please do not hesitate to email us.
Derbyshire Historic Gardens Trust
Visit the website.
Devon Gardens Trust
The Trust has set up two schemes, one for awarding Bursaries to horticultural students and the other for small grants to assist projects involving gardens and other designed landscapes within the County.
Email devon-gardens@btconnect.com or visit the website.
Diana Aitchison Fund
The Diana Aitchison Fund is intended to help young gardeners further their knowledge of rock and alpine plants and their cultivation. Priority for grants will be given to students following horticultural courses lasting one or more years and might go towards fees, living costs or travel expenses, either on a full-time course or at another location, such as summer work experience at a botanic garden or nursery. The fund was established thanks to a generous donation from the estate of the late Diana Aitchison, and is managed by the Scottish Rock Garden Club.
Email Matthew at mtopsfield@icloud.com or visit the website.
The Finnis Scott Foundation
Email administrator@finnis-scott-foundation.org.uk or visit the website.
Garden Centre Association Trust
The Trust also offers the Dick Allen Scholarship, open to young staff within GCA garden centres, to help further their career. The recipient will attend the International GCA Congress and participate within the ‘Interactive Tour’ group.
Email the trust administrator at info@gca.org.uk or visit the website.
Garden Club of America
This programme is an exchange, sponsored jointly by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) in the UK and by The Garden Club of America (GCA) in the USA, in association with Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania. The programme offers financial aid to British graduates and student horticulturists to undertake a 12-month stimulating internship at the world renowned Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania, USA with exposure to American horticultural techniques and regional plant species.
Email interchangefellowship@rhs.org.uk or visit the website.
Glanbia Co-op University Bursary
Glanbia Ireland and Baileys are collaborating to support farm families’ positive environmental actions, with the launch of Ireland’s first Sustainable Farming Academy.
As part of this Academy three bursaries (one per university) are being made available for Glanbia Co-op family members who are commencing their degree studies in agricultural science in either UCD, UCC or South East Technology University.
Glanbia Co-op Members are requested to complete the form linked below and in particular the personal statement on behalf of their family member who is commencing their studies.
Bursary opportunities for Glanbia Co-op families | Tirlán FarmLife (tirlanfarmlife.com)
The Great Dixter Charitable Trust
Email education@greatdixter.co.uk or visit the website.
Hardy Plant Society
Email bursary@hardy-plant.org.uk or visit the website.
Helen Kennedy Foundation
The Foundation provides support of up to £2,250 to students whose personal and financial circumstances make progression to higher education difficult. They have two awards for a higher level apprenticeship in agriculture, and three awards for students wanting to progress to a land based degree. Those eligible to apply must be at a FE college or sixth form college, and must not have already undertaken a further education course.
Email Anna at enquiries@hkf.org.uk or visit the website.
Historic and Botanic Garden Training Programme
The Historic and Botanic Garden Training Programme (HBGTP) enables enthusiastic and committed horticulturists to increase their horticultural and other technical skills through garden placements in a range of historic and botanic gardens throughout the UK. The programme is supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
HBGTP offers trainees a structured learning programme and an assigned Supervisor and Mentor to guide and support their practical training.
Email Elinor Davies at Elinor.davies@english-heritage.org.uk or visit the website.
The Historic Gardens Foundation
The Historic Gardens Foundation (HGF) will offer grants towards publication of material relating to historic parks, gardens, and designed landscapes. Grants are available to charities, other public interest organisations and, in exceptional cases, individuals, who are pursuing aims similar to those of the HGF. Preference will be given to projects with an international dimension and to Applicants who have worked with the HGF in the past. The grants are not confined to the UK and Applicants can be from any country.
A fuller statement of our objectives and our work can be found on the HGF website
International Society for Horticultural Science
The Society offers two student awards during each Symposium, one award for the best oral presentation given by a student who is in the same time the presenter and first author of the submitted manuscript, and one award for the best poster presented by a student who is first author of the work. Winners will be recognised in the quarterly journal, and will receive a one-year complimentary membership of the ISHS and a certificate.
Visit the website.
Japanese Garden Society
The Society offers a limited number of educational bursaries designed to assist successful applicants in acquiring or enhancing their Japanese garden related skills. It is aimed at UK landscapers / gardeners and those on a gardening-related course of study. The bursaries may be used, for example, to contribute to travel or course fee costs and must assist applicants in acquiring new or additional skills in Japanese garden design, and/or construction, and/or maintenance.
Contact info@jgs.org.uk or visit the website.
Application forms can be found here: JGS Bursary Application Form
The MacRobert Trust
The MacRobert Trust gardens have been accredited by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) as a ‘Qualifications Approved Learning Centre’. Practical training and assessment to RHS Level 1 and 2 can now be provided in-house.
Contact alison@themacroberttrust.org.uk or visit the website.
Mediterranean Plants and Gardens
MPG members have access to a sponsorship fund to provide bursaries, financed by donations and one bequest from members. The bursary is intended to support an educational, conservation, or research objective of the individual applying and is normally, although not exclusively, given in the form of a reduced rate for attendance at an MPG event. Consideration will also be given to applications to research new Mediterranean plant areas which might be of interest for future events.
Visit the website.
The Merlin Trust
The Merlin Trust offers grants to British or Irish Citizens who are between the ages of 18 and 35 years or in their first five years of a career in horticulture, for studying plants in the wild and in gardens, abroad and in the UK. Funding is also available if you are a foreign national studying in a British or Irish horticulturally recognised institution. Applications are invited throughout the year for long or short term projects, grants up to £1,500 may be available.
The Trust was founded by Valerie Finnis VMH in memory of Merlin Scott to encourage young horticulturists.
Email Sarah at info@merlin-trust.org.uk or visit the website.
National Garden Scheme
Email hello@ngs.org.uk or visit the website.
Nerine and Amaryllid Society
The Nerine and Amaryllid Society can provide grants to individuals or groups of horticulturists wishing to enhance the educational, conservation, or research knowledge associated with the Amaryllidaceae family of flowering plants. Proposals for funding can be considered at any time of the year.
For more information visit the website.
Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust
A bursary of approximately £7000 will be given towards travel and subsistence expenses. In addition, the Trust and the individual award sponsor will meet any travel and expenses in relation to the Pre Study Briefing and Contemporary Scholars Conference. The total value of an award is in excess of £12,000.
Email Mike at director@nuffieldscholar.org or visit the website.
Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust Ireland
Discover, inspire and support people to develop their capacity, character and confidence to promote positive change and world class leadership in agriculture, food and farming”
A Nuffield Farming Scholarship is a travel and study bursary awarded by the Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust Ireland Ltd. The objective of the award scheme is to encourage the advancement of agriculture and rural development through the promotion of awareness, education and leadership in the Irish agriculture and rural sectors. The overall scholarship award is €16,000. This bursary is a contribution towards the cost of travel and accommodation which will be incurred by scholars for their international travel. It will not cover the full cost of registration & travel for the Contemporary Scholars Conference, Global Focus Programme and travel in pursuit of the study topic.
Find more details @ https://nuffield.ie/
Online Turf
The list of eligibility requirements are as follows;
- Applicants must be enrolled in full time education studying an agricultural or horticultural course in university or college
- Applicants must study & reside in the UK
- The applicant is 18 years or above or has parent/ guardian permission
The application form & terms of conditions can be found on our site here: https://www.onlineturf.co.uk/scholarship
Percy Picton Memorial Fund
PERCY PICTON was a well known plantsman, gardener, nurseryman, lecturer and broadcaster. The Charity was established by The Wyche and Colwall Horticultural Society in 1987, as a lasting memorial to their late president, who had a special interest in encouraging people to learn more about the world of plants.
The charity is small and qualification for a grant is restricted to people who reside in the Malvern Hills area, and those resident in the counties of Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire and Warwickshire.
Grants can be available to people following horticultural studies at Pershore College or similar establishments. Help is also given to apprentices and trainees in private and public gardens and nurseries. This offers the rare opportunity to gain work experience at Great Dixters, John Massey’s Garden and John Richards’ Nursery. Research studies related to plants are eligible for consideration. Training should lead to a career within Horticulture, Gardening or Botany.
For more information and to apply, please follow the link: https://paulpictonswebpatch.blog/2018/02/08/the-percy-picton-memorial-fund
The Professional Gardeners' Trust
The Professional Gardeners’ Trust (PGT) was established in 2004 to fund training and study for working gardeners, who could not otherwise afford it, in the UK and Ireland.
The PGT provides gardeners with the opportunity to acquire skills and gain qualifications, this enhances their careers and benefits the horticulture profession as a whole.
Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust
We offer scholarships and apprenticeships. You can find more information on www.qest.org.uk.
The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust exists to sustain Britain’s cultural heritage, by funding the training and education of talented and aspiring craftspeople. This can be through traditional college courses, vocational training, one-on-one training with a master craftsperson or craft apprenticeships.
Since 1990, QEST has awarded £4.2 million to more than 460 craftspeople of all ages and backgrounds in at least 130 skills, from rural to cutting-edge craft and conservation – including embroidery, stonemasonry, wood work, saddlery, stained glass painting and many more.
Our Funding
QEST Scholarships are grants between £5,000-18,000, available to individuals to pursue training opportunities in their chosen craft, in the UK or abroad.
- Scholarships cover the cost of practical experience, training or study at a recognised institution or with a master craftsperson – recipients can use this as a lump sum or in instalments, as required
- Scholars must be aged over 17, with no upper age limit
- If training takes place outside the UK, recipients must demonstrate how they will bring those skills back to the UK to enrich British craft
- Scholarships do not cover costs for materials, renting a workshop or other business start-up costs
QEST Apprenticeships are grants generally up to £18,000 (£6,000 a year up to three years), available to small businesses and sole traders to hire an apprentice. The funding can go towards training (in-house or external), tools and materials and/or the apprentice’s wage.
- Employer and apprentice must apply together as a partnership
- Apprentices must demonstrate a dedication/commitment to the craft, but previous experience is not required
- Apprenticeships must be for a specific craft skill, with clear training plans and milestones
Applications are open twice a year.
Spring: Applications open from January to February with awards made in May.
Autumn: Applications open from July to August with awards made in November.
The Rhododendron, Camellia & Magnolia Group
The object of this fund is to give small bursaries to support research and education projects specifically relating to Rhododendrons, Camellias or Magnolias, which further our knowledge of and/or promote these three genera. This could also be a grant towards travel expenses involved in carrying out the research.
The successful applicant would undertake to produce a paper outlining the results of the project, within three months of completion of the project, for publication (but not exclusively) in an RCMG publication and/or Group web site.
Applicants can apply for a bursary towards research anywhere in the world.
Applications will be subject to scrutiny on a first come first serve basis, by a small panel appointed by the RCMG, and must show clear objectives and the methods for achieving these. If desired, a preliminary outline of a proposal can be discussed with John Marston to assess its suitability before applying formally.
Applications may be made at any time in the year, but in any case, a minimum of twelve weeks must be allowed before the start of the proposed project. Bursaries cannot be given retrospectively.
Anyone interested in applying for a Bursary should download the application form. You may make your entries direct onto the form on your computer and either email or alternatively print out and post.
To find out more about Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia group please visit their website
Royal Horticultural Society
Email bursaries@rhs.org.uk or visit the website.
SCI Horticulture Group
Email awards@soci.org or visit the website.
Scotland's Gardens Scheme
The Cattanach Bursary Scheme’s purpose is to develop applicants’ personal and professional skills, to help them progress their horticultural careers.
This bursary was made possible by the generous bequest of Mr Albert Cattanach, a regular visitor to Scotland’s Gardens Scheme’s open gardens and funds from the John Fife Award, with the hope it helps to continue the strong tradition of horticultural training in Scotland.
Applications can be submitted via the link below. Full eligibility and our guidance notes for applicants can also be found here:
The Scottish Rhododendron Society Education and Exploration Grant Fund
The Scottish Rhododendron Society Education and Exploration Grant fund provides one-off grants of up to £1000, to young horticulturists and gardeners to enable research and further study into the genus Rhododendron. This could include study tours and exploration to observe Rhododendrons in their natural habitat.
Full details can be found on the SRS website www.scottishrhododendronsociety.org.uk
Shropshire Parks and Gardens Trust
The Trust offers a limited number of bursaries of up to £500 each to students enrolled on a course involving an element of study connected with parks, gardens or designed landscapes. The bursary is to assist with the purchase of items such as cameras, memory cards, books and other resources and equipment to support your studies. Financial assistance towards travelling expenses and short courses to enhance a student’s study are also valid reasons for consideration by the Trust.
Applications are welcome from both full and part-time students who are normally resident in Shropshire no matter where they may be studying.
Email info@shropshiregardens.org.uk or visit the website.
The Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust
Information and the application form can be found by clicking here: Information and application form-Stanley Smith UK Hort Trust
The Studley College Trust
Email studleyct@btinternet.com or visit the website.
Stoke Poges, Wexham & Fulmer Horticultural Society
Stoke Poges Wexham & Fulmer Horticultural Society is offering a bursary each year of up to £400 for applicants aged between 16-25 residing within a radius of 50 miles of Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, who wish to pursue a career in horticulture and gain the skills and knowledge requisite for entering and progressing within the profession.
Priority will be given to students following a horticultural course lasting one or more years and grants might for example go towards fees, research, travel in connection with a course, or other costs associated with a course to support individuals to gain accredited qualifications.
See our website www.hortsoc.org
Applications may be made at any time.
Contact Jon Homan by email : homanhome@gmail.com, for further information.
Suffolk Gardens Trust
Visit the website.
Teagasc Walsh Scholarship
The Walsh Scholarships Programme is Teagasc’s postgraduate development programme, with some 140 students pursuing PhD programmes at any one time. A budget of €3.65 million per annum is committed to the programme. There are up to 35 new places each year with a grant of €24,000 per annum.
The programme is called Walsh Scholarships, to commemorate the late Dr Tom Walsh, first Director of both the Agricultural Research Institute and the National Advisory and Training Service, which were merged to form Teagasc, and a prime mover in developing agricultural and food research in Ireland.
Notice for inviting proposals for scholarships is issued each June, with a closing date of early-September.
Call for applications – Teagasc | Agriculture and Food Development Authority
Three Counties Agricultural Society Bursary
In Memory of Joe Henson MBE
The bursary is an award of £1,000 per year, for up to 3 years, to support students studying a land based subject, who are normally resident in either of the three counties of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire or Gloucestershire. Applicants can be studying at either further, higher or post-graduate level, provided it is full-time and that they are 18-23 years old at the start of their course. The course can be at any recognised college or university anywhere in the world. Applications are open annually from late Mach/Early April, and close on 30th of September each year.
In Memory of John Tedstone
The Three Counties Agricultural Society is delighted to be able to offer a new Bursary for agricultural and horticultural studies in memory of John Tedstone, who was a renowned Orchardist and Farmer in Herefordshire. The bursary is designed for individuals who want to improve their skills or knowledge, train for their career or re-train with a view to a change of career in agriculture of horticulture through a course of learning delivered by a reputable educational institute. All types of courses will be considered which lead to a recognised qualification, this includes practical courses, short courses, part-time or full-time, delivered remotely or at an educational venue. Long running courses will be considered such as those delivered through further or higher education institutions. Short courses must include a series of such courses which lead to a recognised qualification. There is no age restriction. Applicants must be resident in the UK. Courses of study not yet embarked upon will be eligible. Courses delivered overseas will be considered.
Although there is no fixed financial limit on bursary applications, applicants would need to explain any request for expenses other than course fees and supply supporting evidence with their application.
Visit the website.
The Una McDermott Travel Bursary (WIT Ireland Students)
Students from year 1, year 2 and year 3 of the BSc in Horticulture in either Kildalton College (SE506) or the College of Amenity Horticulture at the National Botanic Gardens (SE507) are invited to apply for funding to travel abroad to experience, work and learn in a garden, or a Horticulture-related company.
The fund can also be used to fund attendance at a Horticulture-related student conference or meeting, or a short course. The travel bursary can also be used to fund the year 2 work placement as long as the work placement is outside of Ireland.
We envisage that students will use the award to fund travel during June, July or August 2023 (or anytime between January – August 2023 for work placement students). However, the evaluation panel may also consider applications for shorter travel periods during mid-semester break, or during the Easter holidays.
The Una McDermott Travel Bursary | South East Technological University | Waterford (wit.ie)
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust awards Travelling Fellowships to British citizens from all walks of life to travel overseas for up to two months, to bring back knowledge and best practice for the benefit of others in their UK professions and communities. It would not be for academic study exactly, but a practical exploration of how things work in other countries. The Trust is then able to support you on your return with advice and further funding to spread your findings locally or nationally.
There are 37 varied categories each year including Climate Change, Environment and Resources, Science and Technology, Natural Environment, Education and Skills, Exploration and Adventure, Health and Wellbeing. Applications open from September.
Email office@churchillfellowshi.org or visit the website.
The Worshipful Company of Fruiterers
- Fruit Industry employees who are participating in the Fruit Supervisory and Management Course at Hadlow College.
- Fruit growers who wish to attend a recognised Cider Making course.
The Company awards prizes annually to outstanding undergraduate and Master’s students who have evidenced an interest in fruit (as defined botanically) and expressed a wish to develop a career in the fresh produce industry.
Email clerk@fruiterers.org.uk or visit the website.
The Worshipful Company of Gardeners
For more information visit the website.
The Yorkshire Gardens Trust
The Yorkshire Gardens Trust (the YGT) was formed in 1996:
- To conserve and foster the county’s historic gardens, parks, and designed landscapes for the benefit of present and future generations.
YGT achieves this through four strands of activity:
- Conservation – contributing to the conservation and management of Yorkshire’s historic parks and gardens
- Researching and recording the detailed history of these sites to support their conservation and appreciation
- Events – an annual programme of county-wide garden visits, tours, lectures, and workshops
- Education – the YGT for Schools Scheme and the Further/ Higher Education Student Bursary scheme to support garden history, landscape, and horticultural initiatives across a range of educational settings
YGT welcomes Student Bursary applications from:
- any students, full or part-time, from any further/ higher education institution in Yorkshire studying:
- Horticulture
- Landscape design
- Landscape/garden history
- Conservation of historic designed landscapes
Applications will also be considered from students from further/higher education institutions outside Yorkshire who are engaged in research concerning Yorkshire historic gardens, parks, or designed landscapes.
The Bursary Scheme supports students in achieving the skills, knowledge and understanding essential to progress towards their professional qualifications or career choices. Single bursary awards are available of up to £1000
Further information can be found on the Yorkshire Gardens Trust website.
1916 University Bursary Ireland
The 1916 Bursary is a financial award to encourage the participation and success of students from sections of society that are significantly under-represented in higher education.
To be eligible for a 1916 Bursary, all applicants must meet, Financial, Priority Group and College Entry eligibility criteria.
Each participating college has a limited number of bursaries which are awarded to the eligible applicants that present the greatest need.
See the website for further details and application criteria.